Advanced Case Linkage and
Fired Cartridge Case Comparisons
IBIS image data acquisition workstation
Courtesy of Forensic Technology, Inc.
Advanced computer-based tools are widely used by laboratories for screening thousands of firearms-related evidence items for potential linkages of incidents. These tools include computer and optical hardware as well as software for managing a combination of specialized algorithms, pattern recognition, and digital imaging. The product is a preliminary computer-based selection of high-probability associations that may be subsequently confirmed or eliminated by a firearms examiner.
The current predominant system for accomplishing these comparisons is the Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS), developed by Forensic Technology, Incorporated (FTI).
It should be stressed that a high correlation score by the IBIS system is not a sufficient basis for court testimony; an examination by a qualified firearm examiner is required for courtroom presentation. Technology has provided for more efficient handling of steadily mounting caseloads and the increasing volume of firearms-related evidence.

Computer correlations
Courtesy of Forensic Technology, Inc.
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Bullet correlations
Courtesy of Forensic Technology, Inc.
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