Cotton Box

A diagram of a traditional
cotton box arrangement
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The traditional cotton box is usually constructed of wood or one-eighth to one-quarter inch thick metal plates. The box is typically approximately ten feet long and eighteen inches high and wide, with a hinged lid on the top and a firing port at one end. The box is filled with cotton waste material that decelerates bullets fired through the port.
The advantages of this type of bullet recovery apparatus are that it is
- simple,
- inexpensive,
- easily assembled from readily available materials using in-house agency resources.

Modern steel cotton box
and view of cotton sections
Image courtesy of CyberNational
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- Requires a designated firing range
- May require considerable time to find fired bullets (all bullets must be found and removed to avoid confusion with other cases)
- Presents the potential for gunshot residues to ignite the cotton near the firing aperture
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