
The BulletTRAX-3D™ workstation
Image courtesy of
Forensic Technology, Inc.
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BulletTRAX-3D™ is the latest technological evolution from FTI (Forensic Technology, Inc.) and is designed to address the comparison needs of the forensic firearms examiner. When paired with MatchPoint+™, it allows the examiner to personally conduct preliminary correlations prior to actual microscopic comparisons.
This system moves beyond IBIS® technology and includes the following:
- A confocal microscope designed to simultaneously gather two- and three-dimensional images of bullet surface topography
- A digital camera to capture the data
- An automated bullet holder to physically manipulate bullets, including damaged bullets
- Computer hardware
- Proprietary software to manage image capture, transmission, and storage on a computer server
Digital screen images depicting the surface
of a fired bullet showing surface topography
Image courtesy of
Forensic Technology, Inc.
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This system expands case linkage capabilities from criminal cases to a broader scope that includes terrorist activities. As such, the examiner may be able to develop linkages between shooting incidents as a means of intelligence gathering. BulletTRAX-3D™ was preceded by products using the BulletProof™ and BrassCatcher™ software. These systems are still used by many laboratories.
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