Module 7 :: Statistics
Topic 2 :: Use of Statistical Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence
Statistical Calculations and Source Attribution
Once an individual's 13-locus STR profile is identified, it is statistically improbable that anyone else in the world will have the same profile, unless that person has an identical twin. Identical twins (twins derived from a single fertilized egg) have identical STR DNA profiles.
Based on individual laboratory policy, the report may include a statement of source attribution in addition to, or in place of, a statistical estimate.

Online Link - Click here to view the Forensic Science Communications article, “Source Attribution of a Forensic DNA Profile."
Online Link - Click here to view the Forensic Science Communications article, “Genetics Issues Affecting the Evaluation of the Frequency of Occurrence of DNA Profiles Calculated From Pertinent Population Database(s)."
Online Link - Click here to view information on uniqueness contained in the NRC II report.