User Guide
This page provides an overview of interface controls that allow navigation between modules, topics, and individual pages. Descriptions of courseware icons and links are also included in this user guide.
Section Tabs

There are 4 section tabs for navigating to different areas
of the content:
- Home
- Glossary
- Reference
- User Guide
Page Navigation

Next and previous Arrows are available in the top left corner
of the content area to navigate from page to page.

There are also previous and next links at the bottom of the page
to navigate from page to page.
Modules and Topic Navigation

When a Module is accessed, each Topic will appear below it within the menu
- The current location is identified by red in the menu
Content Icons
4 icons signify what type of document they link to:

Gavel – case citations

Bouncing ball – animations

Eyeglasses – flash paper documents and online links

Camera – plays a short video clip.
Sound and Captioning Icons

Sound Icon

Closed Captioning Icon
Most animations have sound (where appropriate) and contain text. These items can be turned off in most cases by clicking the sound icon or the closed caption (CC) icon as noted above
Links and Colors
Certain links are identified in different colors:

When a link is clicked, it will open a new window. To close the new window and return to the previous page, just click the X in the upper right-hand corner
Flash Content
Most of the animations and documents require Flash Player 7.
This software can be downloaded at