The Global Forensic and Justice Center at Florida International University is dedicated to supporting the justice community through innovative research, programs, evaluation of the latest technologies, forensic science education and laboratory quality reviews. Our goal is for all stakeholders to receive and provide the highest level of forensic science services.
As part of this commitment, we are making available the nearly 30-year archive of training material, symposia, poster presentations, and technical evaluations completed by our founding component, the National Forensic Science Technology Center (NFSTC).
DNA Post-Conviction Case Management Symposium 2009

NIJ hosted a two-day Postconviction DNA Case Management Symposium on January 22-23, 2009 at the Innisbrook in Palm Harbor, Florida. The symposium served to bring together criminal justice practitioners from across the nation who would augment the development and implementation of postconviction DNA testing assistance programs within their State and local jurisdictions.
Video of each panel and accompanying PowerPoint presentations that were used, in addition to resources that were referenced or distributed at the event, can be found on this page. Should you require more detailed information regarding the Postconviction DNA Case Management Symposium or the Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program, please contact the National Institute of Justice.
Welcoming Remarks
Presenter: John S. Morgan, Deputy Director for Science and Technology, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC - Video
Triumphs and Tragedies of DNA Exonerations
- Ronald Cotton, Macmillan Speakers, New York, NY
- Jennifer Thompson-Cannino, Macmillan Speakers, New York, NY
Post Conviction Statutes: A National Perspective
Moderator: Ronald S. Reinstein, Judge (Retired), Superior Court of Arizona, Judicial Consultant, Arizona Supreme Court, Phoenix, AZ
- Gabriel S. Oberfield, Policy Reform Analyst, The Innocence Project, New York, NY - Presentation
- Matthew F. Redle, Prosecuting Attorney, Sheridan County, Sheridan, WY - Presentation
Case Identification and Evaluation
Moderator: Ted R. Hunt, Chief Trial Attorney, Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office, Kansas City, MO
- Huy D. Dao, Case Director, The Innocence Project, New York, NY
- David Rudovsky, Attorney, Kairys, Rudovsky, Messing & Feinberg, LLP, Philadelphia, PA - Handout
- Michael Ware, Special Fields Bureau Chief, Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, Dallas, TX
Luncheon Address
Presenter: Barry C. Scheck, Co-Director, The Innocence Project, New York, NY
Breaking Down the Double Helix: Crime Labs and the Courts
Moderator: George W. Clarke, Judge of Superior Court, San Diego Superior Court, San Diego, CA
- Betty Layne DesPortes, Attorney, Benjamin & DesPortes, Richmond, VA - Presentation
- Dean M. Gialamas, Director, Forensic Science Services Division, Orange County Sheriff's Department, Santa Ana, CA - Presentation
- Mitchell R. Morrissey, Denver District Attorney, Denver District Attorney's Office, Denver, CO - Presentation
Evidence Location, Retention, and Preservation: Policy and Practice
Moderator: Rebecca Brown, Policy Analyst, The Innocence Project, New York, NY
- Christopher J. Plourd, Attorney, Law Office of Christopher J. Plourd, San Diego, CA
- William T. Vosburgh, Laboratory Director, Metropolitan Police Department, Washington, DC - Presentation
- Kevin M. Wittman, Major (Ret.), Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, Charlotte, NC - Presentation
Case Study in Post Conviction DNA: The Bernard Webster Case
- John P. Cox, Assistant State’s Attorney, Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office, Towson, MD
- Michele M. Nethercott, Lawyer, Office of the Public Defender, Baltimore, MD
Triumphs and Tragedies of DNA Exoneration
- Dwayne Allen Dail, Exoneree, The NC Center on Actual Innocence, Lehigh Acres, FL
- Christine C. Mumma, Attorney, The NC Center on Actual Innocence, Durham, NC - Presentation
Cold Case Investigations: Lessons Learned Relevant to DNA and Post Conviction Relief
Moderator:Gil Kerlikowske, Chief of Police, Seattle Police Department, Seattle, WA
- Jules Epstein, Law Professor, Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, DE - Presentation
- Norman A. Gahn, Assistant District Attorney, Milwaukee County, Milwaukee, WI
- Mary Lou Leary, Executive Director, National Center for Victims of Crime, Washington, DC
Post Conviction DNA Testing Assistance Programs
Moderator: Charles Heurich, Program Manager, Investigative and Forensic Sciences Division, Office of Science and Technology, National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, DC
- Kent E. Cattani, Chief Counsel, Capital Litigation and Criminal Appeals, Arizona Attorney General's Office, Phoenix, AZ
- Peter M. Marone, Director, Virginia Department of Forensic Science, Richmond, VA
- Jacqueline McMurtrie, Associate Professor, University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, WA
- Gary G. Shutler, DNA Technical Leader, Crime Laboratory Division, Washington State Patrol, Seattle, WA - Presentation
- Carrie Sperling, Executive Director, Arizona Justice Project, Tempe, AZ - Presentation
- Marguerite Thomas, Post Conviction Branch Manager, Department of Public Advocacy,Frankfort, KY - Presentation
- Mary Anne Wiley, Deputy General Counsel, Office of the Governor, Austin, TX
The National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law: Resources for Post-Conviction DNA Case Management
Presenter: Carol Henderson, President, American Academy of Forensic Sciences; Director, National Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law, Gulfport, FL - Video
Identifying and Overcoming Challenges Related to Post Conviction DNA Testing Assistance
- Martha Bashford, Assistant District Attorney, New York County District Attorney's Office, New York, NY
- George W. Clarke, Judge of Superior Court, San Diego Superior Court, San Diego, CA
- Christine M. Cole, Executive Director, Program in Criminal Justice, Harvard University Kennedy School of Government, Cambridge, MA
- Jules Epstein, Law Professor, Widener University School of Law, Wilmington, DE
- Carol Henderson, President, American Academy of Forensic Sciences; Director, National
Clearinghouse for Science, Technology and the Law, Gulfport, FL - Mary Lou Leary, Executive Director, National Center for Victims of Crime, Washington, DC
- Kenneth E. Melson, Director, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, Washington, DC
- Ronald S. Reinstein, Judge (Retired), Superior Court of Arizona, Judicial Consultant, Arizona Supreme Court, Phoenix, AZ
Lessons Learned: Identifying and Overcoming Challenges Related to Post Conviction DNA Testing Assistance
Moderator: Ronald S. Reinstein, Judge (Retired), Superior Court of Arizona, Judicial Consultant, Arizona Supreme Court, Phoenix, AZ - Video
Closing Remarks
Global Forensic and Justice Center
11200 SW 8th Street
Miami, FL 33199