Travel to the Symposium
The closest airport to the hotel is the Tampa International Airport which is serviced by all major airline carriers. Travel time between the airport and hotel is approximately 30–40 minutes. Super Shuttle provides service from the airport to the hotel. One-way service from Tampa International costs $26 per person. For more information and reservations, contact Super Shuttle at 800-258-3826 or www.supershuttle.com. Reservations are required. Super Shuttle also offers Execucar service. Information can be found on their website.
Taxi service from the airport to the hotel costs approx. $55 and can take between 30–60 minutes. Taxis are available outside the baggage claim area.
Self-parking is available at the hotel. Parking is complimentary for hotel guests.
Hotel Accomodations
Hotel rooms have been blocked at the Sheraton Sand Key Resort. The resort is located at 1160 Gulf Boulevard, Clearwater Beach, FL, 33767 (727) 595-1611. Sleeping rooms are available at the prevailing government diem of $104 per night plus tax. General attendees should call the hotel direct to make reservations. In order to receive the group rate, you must reference the NIJ Impression and Pattern Evidence Symposium. For more information on the hotel, please visit http://www.sheratonsandkey.com.
Area Information
For information on dining, local attractions and more, please visit the Clearwater Beach Convention and Visitors Bureau website at http://www.floridasbeach.com/.

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